Womb (Motherwort & St. Johnswort): Is grounding & uplifting which harnesses the yellow sunlight of St. John’s wort with the protective and mothering nature of Motherwort. It was created to help reconnect you with the magic of your womb/womb space, deeply nourish your womb, and bring ease and reduce inflammation.
Womb is a nourishing practice you can do daily to promote circulation, ease pain & inflammation and nourish your womb space. If you are trying to conceive you can do a longer massage at least once a week, aiming for at least 15 minutes, so that you can really bring your attention and loving energy inward.
You may find areas that are more tender than others — focus on these but try not to induce pain. Sensation and tenderness is okay, be gentle. Post-ovulation massage is incredibly healing, but not recommended if you might have conceived. The increase in blood flow to your womb brings cellular healing, vitamins and nourishment and helps with healthy menstruation and fertility.
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